Here’s a new one for the Perfect Picture Book Fridays list.


Written and Illustrated by Andy McGuire
Harvest House Publishers, 2011
Suitable for: Ages 3 to 8
Theme/Topic: Truth, Lies, Animals
Opening: Eleanor Hippo talked a lot, which is good sometimes … But sometimes not.
Brief Synopsis: Eleanor fibs all day about the animals around her. After telling a false story about Leon the lion, she’s forced to face the consequences of all her false tales. 
Link to resources: Teacher Planet has several lesson plans on honesty. This book opens up discussions about feelings when you are the victim of a fib or hear another child telling one.
Why I chose this book: My son likes a good hippopotamus tale, so we put all the children’s book titles we could find at our library on hold. He squealed when we picked up a dozen books featuring hippos. The illustrations are realistic, but fun in this book. My favorite line: “She made up stuff that wasn’t true. Of crazy things the locals do.” February will likely be Hippo Month here, as it is Hippo Month in our home.
For more Perfect Picture books, check out Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog. 
Spambots have become huge fans of PPBF. This week, I’ve received several dozen comments from “anonymous,” so delighted to visit the blog and add a link for some odd product.


This Blogger post on Prevent unwanted comments and comment spam doesn’t give me a new game plan on how to deal with them. Most of the comments are flagged and don’t get published. The ones that do are deleted.

I’m not a fan of the word verification or comment moderation, so I’ll just keep trucking along for now. Perhaps there’s a picture book idea here:  “Goodnight Password,” how an ordinary Password goes to heroic lengths to challenge the  Spambot bully threatening his friends.

Have a great weekend.