It’s that time again The Children’s Holiday Story sponsored by Susanna Leonard Hill. The rules are here. You have to write about a child’s holiday treat — anything goes … sort of. You have to include a treat, write for a child under 12, and write the story in 250 words or less.

In this story, an opportunity to go sledding is the holiday treat.

The stories are always delightful. I decided this afternoon to participate. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Holiday Season.

The No Snow Dilemma

By Stacy S. Jensen

Suzie doesn’t like this Christmas weather. 

She glares at the sun and blue skies. 

“I’ll never go sledding,” she cries.  “It doesn’t look like snow.”

Her mother doesn’t care about the weather. “No chores,” Mom says. “No sledding.”

“There’s no snow,” Suzie wails. 

“There are chores,” Mom points to the chart. 

Suzie points to the window. 

Mom is a statue. 

Suzie stomps off to her room. 

Mom has a different plan.  Minutes later … Suzie empties the dishwasher. 

“There’s no hope for snow.”

Mom says, “There’s no hope for sledding, if you don’t do your chores.”

Suzie digs in. 

She refuses to gather the trash. 

She watches as her sister sets the dinner table. 

She fails to pick up her clothes. 

Suzie gets sent to bed early to “think” about her choices. 

“I can’t ‘think’ about anything with this nice weather,” Suzie mumbles. 

When Suzie wakes up to gray skies, she’s hopeful and checks off some chores. 

She feeds the dog. 

She helps her sister with Christmas crafts. 

She gets the mail without her mother asking twice. 

Then, she sees rain. 

Suzie KNOWS snow will arrive soon. 

But, her dad says, “No. Just flurries.” 

Suzie goes to bed to “think” about this news. 

The weather isn’t better the next day, but Suzie remembers one chore left undone. 

She rakes the leaves into a pile in the sunshine and discovers she doesn’t need snow for her sledding treat. She just needs to do her chores.